Into my bosom, on my eyes, over my head
He gently planted His loving Feet
Ramana, my Lord Supreme;
He laid me the Path,
He showed me the Truth,
He settled the course of my Destiny
Truly, truly, all that I can not describe.
Remain in awareness / presence/ the Now at all times
Papa (Swami Ramdas, a devotee of Ramana Maharshi) always stressed the necessity of absolute honesty and sincerity as essential in the great Quest. Better an honest, dualistic bhakti than a hypocritical advaita. Whereas bhakti, however dualistic, will lead ultimately to jnana as jnana mata, the mother of jnana, advaita practised only with the head leads merely to confusion and hypocrisy.An excerpt mailed by a reader:
'Let the hands and legs do the job. You are not the hands or the legs. You are the unmoving one.
Problems will be endless as long as one is not aware of this. If you identify yourself with the body, you are bound to dualities. Work would appear difficult. Even if we free ourselves will the mind cease to wander? It does not let us even sleep in peace. It keeps wandering as in dreams.'
I saw Bhagavan for the first time in my 7th year, and again after my marriage when I was about 20 years old. I became a widow when I was 34 years of age and I returned to my parental home in Salem. Since then I would visit Bhagavan every month.
He once advised: Do japa, or dhyana, or Self-enquiry. Do not idle away your time.
... Eight years before Bhagavan's Mahasamadhi, I settled down in Ramana Nagar. Those were the best years of my life. Time passed most happily and I witnessed many such miracles before my very eyes.
Every thought that leads you away from self-awareness is a trick created by the imposter (false self). - Langford
"Know and always hold onto the Now.
Disregard the body and the mind.
To identify with them is misery.
Dive deep into the Heart,
the source of being and peace,
and establish yourself there."
When you seek a Guru
Seek you one, holy and pure;
And then give him your all--
Your body, life and wealth;
And in constancy learn clear,
Not a moment distracting,
You shall sure reach Siva's State.
With love and yearning, I seek my Father,
Seeking Him, as Siva the Supreme, I will meet Him;
And then will I seize hold of His valorous Feet
And for ever hold to them,
Until He liberation grants.