Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi's "last" words
The following are the "last" words of the fully-realized Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi on Friday April 14, 1950:
"They say that I am dying, but i am not going away. Where could i go? I am here." 1
When his devotees complained that he was abandoning them, he replied:
"You attach too much importance to the body"2
"The Guru is not in the physical form. So contact will remain even after his physical form vanishes." 3
Sri Bhagavan declared that one who has obtained the grace of Guru would never be abandoned.
Sri Bhagavan is here.
You are Myself
Two long month ago, on August 18th Sri Bhagavan spoke:
"You are and always were ONE with Me. You are me."
"Forget being my devoteei.
Forget pleading and weeping and finding a new excuse or avenue for suffering.
There is nothing you can give me. Nothing.
Just sit still and enjoy my love, my devotioni to you.
Enjoy how I love you, and do nothing else."
In a related piece, He says "Isvaro gururatmeti" (The Self is the God i and Guru) See
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj (NM) was told by his guru, Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj, "You are myself". NM believed his guru's words, and was realized in 3 years.
What was spoken on August 18th is being realized today. I touch myself and i touch you. Yesterday we were the flower and the scent, today we are the flower.
"The Buddha twirled a flower and Kashyap smiled."
Just the flower. The Guru-Disciple are One flower. One mind, One soul.
The Guru-disciple is the sound of one hand clapping ... is how a coin with only one side looks ...
As the delusion of the wall between Guru and Disciple crumbles i see that the entire universe is the sound of one hand clapping.
Creation is a coin with only one side. There can only be one hand.
Let me share a few appropriate words spoken by Sri Nisargadatta to a visitor.
The Self is the God and Guru
"Isvaro gururatmeti" (The Self is the God and Guru). A person seeks happiness and learns that
God alone can make one happy. He prays to God and worships Him. God hears his prayers, and responds by appearing in human shape as a Master in order to speak the language of the devotee and
make him understand the Reality. The Master is thus God manifest as human being. He gives out His experience so that the seeker might also gain it. His experience is to abide as the Self. The Self is within. God, Master and the Self are therefore seeming stages in the Realisation of the Truth.
Prostration - meaning of
Prostration means "subsidence of the ego".
What is "subsidence"?
To merge into the source of its origin. God i cannot be deceived by outward genuflexions, bowings and prostrations. He sees if the individuality is there or not.
Ramana Maharshi
Note: Bhagavan disallowed devotees from prostrating in front of Him, asking them to instead prostrate in front of the Guru inside their heart.
Know thyself
Seeking to know thyself while still anxious about the welfare
of the body, is like attempting to cross a stream with the aid
of a crocodile for a raft.
Grace is both the beginning and the end. Introversion is due to Grace: Perseverance is Grace; and Realisation is Grace. That is the reason for the statement: Mamekam saranam vraja (only surrender
to Me). If one has entirely surrendered oneself is there any part left to ask for Grace? He is swallowed up by Grace.
Essence of Mind
When he came to the sentence, "One should use one's mind in such a way that it will be free from any attachment," I at once became thoroughly enlightened, and realized that all things in the universe are the Essence of Mind itself.
Nammalvar on God
Nammalvar, the Vaishnavite saint, has said: "Only my Self is you". What
does it mean ? "Before I realised my Self, I was wandering looking out
for You; having now realised my Self I see that you are my Self".
Egoless State
The Gnani (the Enlightened) continually enjoys uninterrupted, transcendental experience, keeping his inner attention always on the Source, inspite of the apparent existence of the ego, which the ignorant imagine to be real. This apparent ego is harmless; it is like the skeleton of a burnt rope -- though it has form, it is of no use to tie anything with.
Personal Effort
Though only my skin, sinews, and bones remain and my blood and flesh dry up and wither away, yet never from this seat will I stir until I have attained full Enlightenment i.